
Improve your training and upskilling

Reimbursement_G 2

Protect your bottom line

Increase productivity_LB

Meet your annual requirements

Optimize your reimbursements with an accredited RCM program led by healthcare experts.

Revenue is more than a number — it’s a sign of an organization’s health. When claim denials become the norm, you must take action to protect your organization, your employees, and your patients. The key? Strong employee education, designed specifically for the healthcare industry.

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"Our hospital uses FinThrive Learn to teach many of our frontline users in the revenue cycle, all the way from patient access to billing and collections and claims to our financial counselors and self-pay collectors. Now we're able to hire people without any experience and train them from the ground up. It's been very successful for our revenue cycle to be able to keep it in-house."


Shanda Richards
Director Revenue Cycle, Central Peninsula Hospital

Benefits of HealthStream’s revenue cycle education

For healthcare organizations

Fewer denied claims

Maximum reimbursements

Streamlined claim resolution

Improved Talent retention

For healthcare professionals

Improved professional development

A clear path to advancement

Enhanced patient care outcomes

Increased job satisfaction and engagement

A Sneak Peek at Safeguarding Education with FinThrive

Education is the first step to supporting a revenue cycle management team. In this webinar, HealthStream and FinThrive experts discuss why healthcare revenue cycle management training is key for understanding master patient index solutions and mitigating top healthcare revenue cycle challenges like duplicating records, identity theft and insurance fraud.

Watch Webinar


How can dedicated RCM training help my organization?

Did you know that 86% of denials could be avoided? Even more staggering — 65% of denied claims are never reprocessed for resubmission. Leaving dollars on the table isn’t just disastrous for your bottom line — it’s damaging to your staff, facilities, and, most importantly, the patients you serve. The cost is detrimental to not only your finances but also your organization as a whole. Here’s how our RCM education platform can help:

  • Saves you money over more expensive, less effective training programs.
  • Makes learning convenient, meaningful, and accessible for all with automated programs.
  • Ensures learners get valuable insights and training from the industry’s best educators. Helps staff avoid the most common reimbursement issues in healthcare to ensure nothing is left on the table.
  • Improves the overall fiscal health of your organization.

What sets HealthStream’s revenue cycle training apart from other providers?

Unlike some other training providers, HealthStream’s revenue cycle training modules are designed by industry experts and tailored specifically for the healthcare sector. Our focus on practical, real-world applications, combined with our extensive support network, ensures your staff receives the best possible education and ongoing assistance.

What kind of support does HealthStream offer after training is completed?

HealthStream offers continuous support through Resource Centers, regular webinars, code updates, and assistance with regulatory changes. Our goal is to ensure your team remains updated and proficient long after the initial training is completed.

How does HealthStream tailor training programs to specific organizational needs?

We work closely with your organization to understand your unique challenges and goals. Based on this understanding, we customize our training programs to address specific areas of improvement, ensuring that you get the most relevant and effective education for your team.

How can an organization improve its revenue cycle management?

Ensure your organization's financial viability with improved team competency, productivity, and career progression through expert-led education. HealthStream simplifies securing an LMS platform. Schedule your free demo today, and we'll customize a plan to resolve your revenue cycle issues and stop leaving money on the table. Set your organization up for success now and in the future

Everyone's revenue cycle needs are unique

Ensure financial viability for your organization with greater competency amongst your team, improved quality and productivity, and defined career paths and progression – all through education.


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